Request for Proposal
Published: March 15, 2022
Bids Due: April 15, 2022 by 5pm CST
Solarize Oklahoma City invites proposals from contractors specializing in the design and installation of residential and commercial solar photovoltaic and battery storage systems (“Contractor”) to participate in a Solarize campaign for the city of Oklahoma City, OK (“Project Area”).
Pre-Bid Meeting
The following resources are available if you were unable to attend the March 29th pre-bid meeting:
Solarize Oklahoma City ("Solarize OKC") is a public-private coalition consisting of the Oklahoma Renewable Energy Council (OREC), Association of Central Oklahoma Governments, City of Oklahoma City’s Office of Sustainability, Oklahoma Solar Association, Oklahoma Sustainability Network, Oklahoma Compost and Sustainability Association, Fertile Ground Cooperative, OKC Beautiful, RestoreOKC, Solar Crowdsource, and additional community leadership.
The objectives of the Solarize OKC program are to:
Contact Solarize OKC at the email address below only for any questions about this RFP (do not contact members of coalition organizations). All questions and answers will be posted below.
RFP Questions & Answers
Q: Can you clarify how financing costs should be factored into the price per watt. We have different financing providers that impact the cost to the customer differently but also are not able to lock in a specific rate or financing cost.
A: Thank you for your question. The financing costs should not be factored into the price per watt for the same reasons you mentioned. Therefore, for the price per watt tiered pricing schedule, we are looking for the cash price per watt amount only.
Q: Is there any further guidance on format spacing page length etc. for the RFP?
A: While no specific formatting is required, bids are typically single spaced and around 10-15 pages, not including attachments and exhibits.